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The Path to Ascension

Glossary of Terms



Ancients: the Builder’s of Roads, the people who founded the ancient Empire of Roads, which rose and fell before even the start of recorded history. The Fall of Roads was followed by a long Dark Age, out of which began the mage wars, or The Age of Magic.


Anticom Sililqui: a book written during the Mage Wars, it is a study of the hierarchy of the Underworld and the Trinity of Evil.


Age: a thousand years. Established by the first council of the Unity Earth Sphere Alliance, an Age is equal to one thousand dimensional standard years. Most worlds have roughly the same day-night cycle, but minute variations made the establishment of a Dimensional Standard Day impossible. Three hundred and sixty five days, assuming a day is no less than twenty-two hours long, is one Dimensional Standard Year.


Arcotype: the operating system of a mobile suit. Sometimes used when referring to the actual computer device itself.


A.Y. System: the year numbering system of the Unity Earth Sphere Alliance. A.Y. stands for Alliance Year, for example Hunter was born in A.Y. 6882. The first number of the four digit year refers to the Age, so the 882 second year of the Sixth Age.


Battle Charter: the set of rules for war set fourth by Gudersnipe. These rules are created primarily from basic human rights, and enforced as a way to protect the civilian population. Some of the major points include a ban on nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons; and also a restriction on nuclear-powered weapons and vehicles. The primary goal of the charter is to prevent the weapons of war from causing irreversible damage to a world or it’s inhabitants.


C.A.S.T.S.: acronym for Combat Armor Transformation System. Used primarily by base Tora’s and Saber Tora’s, but also on various Gunjins and other mechs. It is a system by which a mech’s armor and weapons can be quickly removed, and a different set attached.


Crystal Technology: usually referring to computer systems that use synthetically grown crystals instead of wires and chips. The crystals are grown such that the internal structures carry out all the functions of the computer, from processing data to storing it. Because the binary data is imprinted on the lattice of the crystal, the technology is not susceptible to EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) interference, and is far more reliable than standard transistor-based systems. Unfortunately, the high complexity of the crystals makes them much to difficult to mass-produce, and therefore despite availability it remains outside of widespread use.


Day of Dawn’s Reflection: celebration of the day when Gudersnipe and the Slayer Dragons avoided going to war. According to legend, a thick fog descended over the battlefield before the two armies could draw swords, and Uther found himself sitting the entire night back to back with Laytami, the founder of Gudersnipe. Originally the Day of Dawn’s Reflection was observed by reflecting on ones past conflicts, but in more recent eras has become synonymous with Christmas, which is generally observed by exchanging gifts.


D.S.D.: Dimensional Standard Dollars; the currency backed by the full faith and credit of the Unity Earth Sphere Alliance. Ironically, They aren’t accepted very many places. Most companies with multi-dimensional presence instead trade in Gudersnipe issued GATE credits as currency. One credit is good for moving one pound or one square foot of material through one GATE jump.


FTL: Faster Than Light


FTL Drive: faster than light propulsion system.


Fernel Limit: the set of theories and observations regarding starships and FTL propulsion within a solar system, or more precisely the effective gravitational pull of a star. The Fernel Limit explains how and why the star’s gravity affects the ships engines, acceleration, and the warping of space-time created by relativistic velocities achieved using the ship’s drive field.


G.A.T.E.: Acronym meaning Geoconcentric Actuary Transit Entity, Gudersnipe’s inter-dimensional transportation network. The GATE system is owned and operated by the school, and is also the primary source of revenue for the Gudersnipe Organization. As the only economic way to transport people and goods from one dimension to the next, it is also the school’s primary political leverage.


Gunjin: a human-type battle mech approximately seventy feet tall.


Kami: the race of peoples known as Kamians. Kamians, Kami, and a few other variations, in the ancient tongue Kami means ‘godly people. Unfortunately the Kami suffer from an unwavering belief in there own divinity. The larger body of the Kamian race believes that they are chosen by God to rule the Multi-Verse, and anyone who stands in there way should be brutally crushed. The extremists amongst the Kami believe they are Gods and are the only ones with the right to live in the Multi-Verse. They engage in genocide in order to ‘cleanse’ the Multi-Verse of the unclean. To say that all Kamians are violent, warmongering psychopaths would not be a racial stereotype, because all Kamians are in fact violent, warmongering psychopaths.


Kiyoku: The cockpit system discovered in Hunter’s second mobile suit, named Tsubasa. The original Kiyoku was a system that fed flight recorder and radar data directly into the pilot’s brain through a Mind Stream Generator.


Library of Arindell: the massive library in Stormreaver Valley.


Mech: short for mechanical, used when referring to manned piloted battle robots.


Mind Stream Generator: a device that inputs data directly into the human brain. First developed by the Arroyo Foundation in the 475th year of the third age. The Mind Stream Generator has formed the basis for most neural interface systems since its development. Improper calibration or over use of the device often results in insanity or severe brain damage.


Multi-Verse: Multiple Universes.


Mesphosphonic Theoic Acid: nerve gas.


Narrite: an element originally discovered by Gudersnipe that has amazing heat absorption properties. It is capable of absorbing heat better than most ceramic polymers, and is also soft and malleable enough to be easily formed into shapes or even woven into thread. Narrite is combined with several other compounds to create Gunjinite, the material commonly used as armor plaiting on Gunjin mobile suits.


Newman Limit: the theoretical barrier preventing ships from achieving FTL travel within a planet’s atmosphere. The Newman Limit Theory states that multi-dimensional technologies like FTL drives and four dimensional shields cannot function in flat dimensions or on the surfaces of planets due to a barrier between the third and four dimensions, preventing matter in the first three dimensions from affecting matter in any other dimension.


New Type: often refers to a type of mobile suit, but can be referred to any technology that has been lost and then re-discovered. Usually only used in reference to lost technology that is superior to modern technology in some way.


Thingy: Gudersnipe’s technical term for any type of technology or object which cannot be adequately identified or explained easily. Other acceptable terms include: thingamabob, whatsit, doohickey, and mumbly joe.


Tora: a cat shaped animal-type mech developed by the Red Storm Corporation in the late 730’s of the sixth age. The Tora’s unique arcotype was created by transplanting the consciousness of a tiger into a powerful computer data core and processing system. The earliest Tora’s were the white or base model, which also pioneered the CASTS.


Tigger: another cat shaped animal-type mobile suit. The Tigger was built around the same time as the first generation of Tora’s by a rival company. While fast and agile, they lacked the superior reflexes and intuition of the Tora, and so very few were produced. By the year 750 of the Sixth Age there were fewer Tigger’s in operation than Tora’s, and the production line was completely scrapped when Red Storm unveiled the Saber Tora.


Unity Earth Sphere Alliance: the coalition of nations founded in the last year of the Golden Age. Not a single government so much as an alliance of nations that acts similarly to the United States government, in that the Alliance has as much power over the nation states as the Federal government has over the individual states.


Real Mode: see Real Type.


Real Type: a mech that has been engineered and developed to a point where every single design flaw has been removed and the final product is built from the highest possible quality components. In order to create a true Real Type several prototype builds must be created and tested to ensure that every design flaw is removed.


Saber Tora: a cat shaped animal-type mech originally built by Red Storm and later re-produced by Fluffy Cloud Enterprises. The Saber Tora is essentially an “economy” model of the Tora, meant to be much less expensive and more easily manufactured.


Slayer Dragons: the ten warriors commissioned to defend the world of life from evil, and to uphold order and liberty. The Order of the Slayer Dragons was first established by Uther in the 3628th year of the Age of Magic his victory brought an end to the Mage Wars and began the Golden Age. The Slayer Dragon’s are dedicated to three ideals: Truth, Justice, and Liberty.


Standard: the standard language of the Multi-Verse. Specifically the primary language of the Unity Earth Sphere Alliance, but generally a language used by most dimensions. Thousands of other languages exist, but Standard is still Standard.


Stormwind Keep: home of the Slayer Dragons and capitol of the Unity Earth Sphere Alliance.


Tournament World: there is a large flat dimension in the Multi-Verse known primarily as ‘Tournament World’. On Tournament World there is a huge, multi-faceted mobile suit tournament that has been going on for centuries, all overseen by the massive Gudersnipe-built mech Mandate. The entire world is a battlefield, and battles can happen anywhere. The tournament is ongoing, with hundreds of levels and ranks and divisions encompassing every kind of mobile suit imaginable. Simply put; in Tournament World, mechs fight.


Uumen: dragon pronunciation for ‘human’. A dragon’s maw cannot properly form the ‘hew’ sound at the beginning of human, so they replace it with a ‘yew’ which is much easier to pronounce. Because the written language of dragons is phonetic, the word is spelled out in dragon dictionaries accordingly, and many younger dragons fail to realize the actual word is ‘human.’ No disrespect is meant by the term.


©2005 Rick Austinson