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The Path to Ascension

The Reunion of the Eighth Power

Year 910 of the Sixth Age…

“One soldier isn’t good enough, eight soldiers aren’t good enough. An army of one dies alone. To deserve victory, we must combine so that each soldier has the power of eight. We will be eight together, to the Eighth Power.”

Hunter stood by the other nine Slayer Dragons and faced his nemesis. Though the Slayer Dragons had fought Ryoga for centuries, Hunter felt this was his battle and wished the others would leave him to it.

But Ryoga had the Army of Darkness at his back.

Prophecy foretold that the Army of Darkness would be unleashed three times under the Dark Prince, and that each time the Hero of Light would rise up to defend the world of the living.

“I will strike you down, Ryoga,” Hokori swore solemnly. “Before this day is through, you will die.”

“I do not believe I will,” scoffed Ryoga as the Army of Darkness spread out behind him. They gave the Slayer Dragons a wide birth, but surrounded them all the same. There were thousands of them, the empty eyes of the Dollahans were like a sea that washed over the hills with evil.

“If you surrender your power to me,” Ryoga said calmly. “I will grant you a quick death. If you do not than I will kill you, and lead this army in a rain of destruction across the world of Light and Life.”

“Not while I’ve got a breath in my body!” Hunter roared, speaking out of turn.

“Hunter…” Hokori cautioned.

“No!” Hunter snarled. “I’m not going to just stand in the shadows! I have been fighting Ryoga my whole life, I’m not going to be pushed around by him anymore!”

Hunter broke from the ranks and raced toward Ryoga with a vicious battle cry.

Ryoga stood stalk still until Hunter approached, then watched as the warrior slipped. The ground had become covered in ice.

Hunter slipped and slid and tried to plunge his nagi-nata into the ground.

The weapon lanced off the magical field and Hunter leapt into the air.

“BODOKAI!!” Hunter yelled as he released a massive energy wave at Ryoga.

Ryoga waved his hang expertly and sent the wave racing back at the Slayer Dragons.

Hunter grunted angrily and deflected the attack up into the air. While he was distracted chains raced out and grabbed all ten fighters.

* * *

Rian stood at the top of a grassy hill in the warm sun and growled as he glared off to the east. He knew what was happening; he knew it and he couldn’t help.

Kendrick grunted angrily as he stood beside Rian. Rian’s sister and niece were sitting on the picnic blanket, oblivious to the struggle going on that only Rian and Kendrick could see.

“Come on Rian!” Audra called. “The foods getting cold!”

“Just a second!” Rian called back. He turned to Kendrick and spoke quietly. “What do you think?”

“I think our wayward friend is in danger,” Kendrick replied darkly.

“Think we can help?”

“You know what I think,” called a familiar voice behind them.

“J'nall!” Audra shouted and waved. “Long time no see!”

Kendrick and Rian walked back down the grassy hill to her, where she had appeared seated on the blanket eating a piece of corn on the cob.

“I take it you know what's going on?” Rian asked as he and Kendrick approached.

J'nall nodded as she chewed the sweet corn. “I’ve sensed it, same as you.”

“All we can feel is the opposing forces,” replied Kendrick. “We were hoping you could give us something more.”

J'nall nodded again. “Hunter and the Slayer Dragons are fighting Ryoga.”

“Terrific,” Rian moaned. “The most powerful warriors in the multi verse are dueling it out.”

J'nall calmly poured a cup of tea and began drinking it with her eyes closed. “Indeed.”

“We need to help,” said Rian at last. “Hunter’s key guy, we’re back up. That’s the way things have always been, nothings changed.”

J'nall was on her feet in an instant. “I agree fully.”

There was a distortion around J'nall and her clothes exploded and tore away to be replaced by the golden armor she wore into battle as Athena, the Goddess of Liberty. Kendrick and Rian backed away from the pick nick blanket and downed their own mystical armor.

“Rian!” Audra shouted. “Your not going off to fight again are you?”

“I have to go,” Rian growled. “My friend needs me, not to mention the entire living world.”

Rian turned back to Kendrick and J'nall.

“Lets rally the troops, the Eighth Power is going to roar once more.”

* * *

©2005 Rick Austinson